Dec. 2, 2022 137th SOW hosts delegation from Azerbaijan during SPP visit The 137th Special Operations Wing hosted a State Partnership Program visit for members from the Azerbaijan Army and Embassy of Azerbaijan, Washington, D.C., to introduce them to the many capabilities of the 137th SOW as a global force provider. This is the fifth time the wing has participated in SPP
Oct. 17, 2022 Oklahoma National Guard hosts cyber security exchange with Azerbaijan military officers As global challenges evolve, strategists are turning their attention to cyberspace and developing the tactics, techniques and procedures to safeguard our tomorrows, today.That focus on cyber security served as the backdrop of the latest Oklahoma National Guard – Azerbaijan military knowledge
June 30, 2022 137th SOMDG medical personnel conduct SPP visit to Azerbaijan Members of the 137th Special Operations Medical Group traveled to Azerbaijan to conduct a combat casualty care knowledge exchange with Azerbaijan Operational Capabilities Concept Battalion doctors and medical noncommissioned officers during a State Partnership Program visit to Baku, Azerbaijan, June
April 18, 2022 ANG director visits 137th SOW The 137th Special Operations Wing hosted Lt. Gen. Michael A. Loh, director of the Air National Guard, during a visit to Will Rogers Air National Guard Base, Oklahoma City, April 14, 2022.
April 8, 2022 OKNG Soldiers, Airmen hold SPP knowledge exchange with Azerbaijan OCC Battalion Five doctors with the Azerbaijan Operational Capabilities Concept Battalion participated in a medical knowledge exchange at the Oklahoma National Guard Regional Training Institute in Oklahoma City, March 28-April 1, 2022. This point-of-injury knowledge exchange under the National Guard Bureau State
March 18, 2022 137th SOW Airmen partner with OKARNG in State Partnership Program Two 137th Special Operations Wing (SOW) air advisors embedded with representatives from Oklahoma Joint Force Headquarters for a joint partnership strategic planning and unit training management event with the Azerbaijan Peacekeeping Brigade in Baku, Azerbaijan, March 1-4, 2022.