For information about how to join the Oklahoma Air National Guard and what careers are available with the 137th SOW, you can call our recruiters at 405-686-5ANG or message them on Facebook (Oklahoma Air National Guard Recruiting) or Instagram (@okangrecruiting).
To schedule a portrait in your dress uniform, please contact the 137th Special Operations Wing Public Affairs Office with your preferred dates at least a month prior as availability changes. Please plan to bring a wingman whom you are comfortable with you to help with uniform corrections. The shop will recommend adjustments but does not make physical corrections on behalf of the member. We ask that you do not ask the PA shop to schedule an appointment unless you and your uniform are completely ready to go.
Before showing up, be sure your uniform fits, is freshly pressed and that your hair is within regulations. Common issues include nametag, badge and ribbon straightness and alignment; wrinkles and creases after storage; facial hair (only members with shave waivers are excepted) and hair not in regulation or not combed/gelled neatly.
Please refer to for information on dress and appearance standards. Additionally, be advised we cannot alter an official portrait. If something is wrong, damaged, out of place or missing, it will have to be retaken.
Official photos will be taken in the blues uniform only, unless otherwise specified in package submission instructions.
Photography on the installation, and especially on the flightline, is restricted for any personnel or visitors to Will Rogers Air National Guard Base. Any photographs taken are the property of the U.S. government and are not cleared for public release, which includes social media. Further questions and requests for authorization to take photos on the installation should be directed to the 137 SOW Public Affairs Office.
Photography support requests include a wide range of events. While PA support can be requested, coverage is conditional to the PA office's discretion and availability. Please contact the PA office with your request after reading through the following guidelines.
With availability, the PA office will support promotions and retirements for wing members who are E9 or O6 and above, changes of command at the group level or higher, and state or nationally-recognized awards. Members can check out self-help equipment from the 137th SOW PA office for all other levels. Other requests for support will be considered on a case-by case basis.
If you would like to take a squadron/group photo, contact the PA office with the requested date and number of people who will be in the photo. The requestor is responsible for all equipment and permissions for the shoot/location.
You can book an appointment and get further information about requirements here:
Any questions the website does not answer can be directed to the 137th SOW ID office at 405-686-5377.
You can get a copy of your service records by contacting Mrs. Robin Brewer at JFHQ
You will need to fill out an SF 180 Section I with the member's information, Section II Information Needed to locate records, and signed by the requester in Section III of the SF 180.
You can find further POC information for records requests at OKNG headquarters
Once the form is complete please mail it to:
Oklahoma Military Department
Attn: Records
3501 Military Circle
Oklahoma City, OK 73111
You can hand carry to her office. It may take 30 days.
The 137th SOW PA office cannot direct your call to other offices or to other bases. Check out this link for a list of popular Will Rogers ANGB numbers:
If the number you are trying to reach is not listed, please fill out the contact form and we will work to route you to the correct point of contact.
The 137th SOW is not able to redirect your call if you are trying to reach Tinker AFB. Please follow this link for contact information: